First off, here are pictures of my daughter. I'm proud mom. I'm a long-time comic book fan, so when I got my own engineering company, I decided to get some of my favorite comic artists to draw my logo. Here's the original logo, done by Shannon Wheeler of Too Much Coffee Man fame. In 2003, I hired comic artist Keith McCaffety to do a long-needed makeover on the site. Here's his version of CivilGrrl. And now, thanks to Normal Bob Smith Designs, you can now play CivilGrrl Dress Up! Click the picture to play. If you're a comic artist (big or small) who's interested in doing your own "artist's rendering" of the world's only Civil Engineer superhero, CivilGrrl, contact us. I used to belong to Toastmasters, and I did a humorous speech about being a Las Vegas showgirl. Wouldn't you know it, I was able to get my picture with some! This was taken in downtown Las Vegas. Being a child of the seventies, I was a HUGE fan of Herbie the Love Bug. We were in Deadwood, South Dakota and I actually got to be up close and personal with Herbie. John & I went on vacation to Niagara Falls, NY this year (International Juggling Festival). While we were on the Canadian side, drinking "domestic" beer, I took this picture of John. It's one of my favorites of him and I just had to put it on my page! Here's a great picture of my nephews. They are straight from the barber shop in this picture. The nephew on the left (Richard) has a "Troy Aikeman" haircut and the nephew on the right (Jacob) has a "Gretsky". They're twins and are 8. Aren't they cute? :) shelly@civilgrrl.com |