CivilGrrl Engineering ~ Southlake, Texas - Owner
Aug 99 - Present
Currently designing projects for developers, including streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drains.
Designing sanitary sewer lift stations for various locations in the Metroplex. Obtaining gas well permits
for gas well operators. Designing water and sewer renewals for cities. Designing new water and sanitary
sewer extensions for commercial projects. Designing driveway culverts. Obtaining TXDoT permits for civil
work within TXDoT R.O.W. Design commercial site work, including paving and drainage.
City of Arlington, Texas ~ Arlington, Texas - Civil Engineer
Aug 97 - Aug 99
Managed projects for capital improvement programs including water and sanitary sewer, and storm drains.
Managed a large diameter sanitary sewer project, which was installed in the heart of the Arlington
Entertainment District.
City of Fort Worth, Texas ~ Fort Worth, Texas - Engineer I
Jan 97 - Jul 97
Designed projects for capital improvement programs including streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm
drains. Designed asphalt pavement taxi lane for Group III aircraft.
Tarrant Regional Water District ~ Fort Worth, Texas - Engineer I
Dec 94 - Jan 97
Wrote Service Area Analysis, which summarizes customer contractual information, historic water use,
projected water use and population. Designed and inspected a mile long 10" gravity raw water delivery
line. Surveyed project sites for topographical information with a Total Station. Generated documentation to
obtain Letter of Permission's from the U.S.A.C.E. for dredging projects within the Fort Worth Floodway.
Designed erosion control projects to protect large diameter water transmission pipelines. Completed
hydraulic loading study of Richland-Chambers Reservoir for a WASP Section D data section. Created gaming
procedure for the District Virtual Drought Exercise, which educates customers and politicians on how a
drought will affect the Fort Worth area. Measured discharges in streams. Initiated on-line help files to
document common office duties. Performed many public speeches.
Poe Engineers, Inc. ~ Fort Worth, Texas - CADD Engineering Technician
Jan 91 - Jul 94
Drafted and assisted design on projects including airfield rehabilitation, truck maintenance facility
construction, subdivisions, sewer rehabilitation, water line installations, and recreational site
construction. Edited daily correspondence, engineering reports, specifications, bid tabulations, and
estimates. Researched potential land purchases for developers, which included meeting with city officials
and utility companies. Conducted pre-bid, construction job site, and project meetings with city officials,
clients, and contractors. Inspected a sewer rehabilitation construction site and truck maintenance facility.
Interpreted survey field notes.
Universal Ensco, Inc. ~ Houston, Texas - CAD Drafter
Jan 90 - Dec 90
Drafted structural and mechanical details for a natural gas salt dome project.
Axiom Engineering, Inc. ~ Houston, Texas - CAD Drafter
Apr 89 - Dec 89
Drafted structural and mechanical details for a white oil blending facility. Assisted client at job site.
University of Texas at Arlington ~ Arlington, Texas
Aug 95 - Aug 99
Pursuing a Masters degree in Civil Engineering (currently on indefinite hold)
Groundwater & Surface Water Hydrology, Water Resources
Planning, Physical Chem. Processes I & II, Bio. Processes
University of Texas at Arlington ~ Arlington, Texas
Feb 91 - Dec 94
B.S. Civil Engineering
Electives include Street and Highway Design, Open Conduit Systems, and Design of Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Systems
CivilGrrl Engineering, Inc is a licensed firm with the Texas Board of Professional Engineers.
Shelly Hattan is a licensed to practice as a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.
CivilGrrl Engineering, Inc. carries full professional liability insurance, worker's compensation insurance,
and general liability insurance.
CivilGrrl Engineering, Inc. is a certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise with the North Central Texas
Regional Certification Agency.
CivilGrrl Engineering, Inc. is a member of the Consulting Engineers Council of Texas.
CivilGrrl Engineering, Inc. is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Fort Worth Branch.
CivilGrrl Engineering, Inc. is a member of the Southlake TX Chamber of Commerce.