Do you have any pictures or stories you want to share? Please email me and I'll add them to the site! ![]() Here is six-year-old Allison DeJulius with her Estes Alpha rocket. I asked her what she liked about rockets and she said that she likes to see them fly. She was also very excited about this rocket since it had a seven on it, because that's what she was going to be! ![]() Here is a picture of Sarah Osterhout, from Sherman, Texas, with all her rockets. She comes out and flies them on a regular basis. ![]() Here's Amanda Clay, then 6, hooking up her "Miss A" rocket. She likes rockets because it's something she can do with her dad. ![]() This is Phoebe Mau, the daughter of an old college buddy of mine. They showed up to a launch near Austin with one of those pre-built rockets and had a couple of great flights. The biggest problem was convincing Phoebe that the rocket was not broken after the cone popped off to deploy the chute. ![]() This is Beth Sapp and her 4" PML AMRAAM that she has flown on 2 J180s and 1 J275. She got her Level 2 certification at McGregor TX in June of 2001. ![]() Ginny Barnett of Dallas, Texas shows off her scratch built "Flower Power". Unfortunately, Aerotech decided to give her their famous "bonus" delay and the rocket lawn-darted into the ground. Ginny immediately bought some replacement tubing and plans on fixing it up and flying it again. Way to go! ![]() Here's Rita Long, of Iola, Texas, with her Level 2 project. Motor: J460 Rocket Name: ooh aah Rocket Details: Scratch built 4-inch diameter 87 1/2-inches long 10 pounds Duel deployment w/ an Olsen Altimeter Estimated Altitude: 2,700 feet Actual: 3,233 feet Watch out for Rita! She flies some serious stuff and makes a mean chocolate chip cookie. ![]() Big congratulations goes out to Chaela Pate of Saint Jo, Texas. She flew her PML Ariel on a 54 mm diameter J-motor. ![]() Here's a picture of six-year-old Zoë from Chelsea, Michigan. This was a project she helped her dad on. It's an Electric Horizon by BSD Rocketry. Can't wait to see what else she puts together in the future! ![]() This is Cassie (11) and Callie (8) Crabtree from Venus, Texas. They've been flying rockets for almost two years and really enjoy coming out to club launches. They're modeling all their rockets and want to build a bigger, louder rocket. Spoken like true Rocket Girls! ![]() The rocket Suzanne Hancock, of Plano, Texas, is proudly displaying is her PML Black Brant X. She successfully flew this certifying level 2 rocket at the DARS Shoot for the Stars in October, 2001. While the rocket is black and white now, she's in the process of painting it.
This is Hannah and her handpainted Hannah Montana rocket. Her brother was working on a Cub Scout project involving rockets, and she wanted to make her own. She sponge-painted it herself and it turned out to be the coolest one at the launch. Fine work, Hannah! 3333 Southlake Park Road